Europe’s Leading Shockwave Clinic

Tel: 020 7205 2711

Treatment During Covid-19

prostatits and sex.

Treatment During Covid-19

We are currently treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Peronei’s Disease and Prostatitis patients on a MEDICAL NEED basis. We can provide you with a confirmation medical need appointment email, which you should print out and keep with your whilst travelling to and from our Richmond & Knightsbridge clinics.

This follows the Prime Ministers instruction that, “You may only leave home for limited reasons permitted in law, such as to shop for essentials, to work if you absolutely cannot work from home, to exercise, to seek medical assistance, such as getting a Covid test  or to escape domestic abuse.”

We have private parking outside our Richmond Clinic, and you should not come in contact with anyone, other than the practitioner you have an appointment with.

Our protocol is as follows:

  • Patients with HEALTH & MEDICAL NEEDS are accepted for focused shockwave therapy, further to an online or telephone consultation.
  • We have an hour’s gap in-between each patient appointment in order to disinfect appropriate areas in the clinic.
  • At the arrival outside the clinic, the patient is advised to call the mobile number provided and to refrain from using the door handle or touching the entry door or other services in the clinic.
  • The practitioner will open the door and take the patient directly to the treatment room, where they will be required to put on a mask and gloves provided.
  • The practitioner will be wearing a mask and gloves at all time.
  • All surfaces before and after each patient will be medically cleaned with disinfectant.
  • We will use UV Germicidal Light Ultraviolet Disinfection Ozone Sterilization Lamp in our clinic in between patients.
  • Patients are strictly advised not to attend an appointment if they are suffering any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with someone, who has within the agreed isolation period. If they have a cough or other similar symptoms due to a pre-existing condition, such as throat cancer, this should be declared in the online consultation, otherwise regretfully the appointment will be terminated.

We take your SAFETY & HEALTH seriously, and until the government and health authorities change guidelines, we will ensure strict adherence to the protocol.

If you would like to discuss this further, please text or WhatsApp a consultant on 07527 191032 or email with your details and you will be called back.

We thank you for understanding and cooperation

Charles Turner – Practice Director