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Prostatitis and Ageing

Prostatitis and Ageing.

Prostatitis & Ageing

As we get older, we suffer more medical problems and problems with the prostate are no exception. While men may not experience the menopause like females, our bodies start undergoing changes, one of these being changes to our prostate gland.

The prostate gland sits between the bladder, which holds urine, and the pelvic floor muscles and rectum. One of its purposes is to make fluid that becomes part of semen, which is then ejaculated when we have sexual intercourse. Whilst some men may boast a healthy sex life into their eighties, for the majority, biological science takes over and we end up with a reduced sex drive.

The prostate gland, which has the average size of a walnut, becomes bigger and presses against the bladder above and the pelvic floor below. This often triggers some internal warning bells and it is wise for men make a visit to the GP for a check-up.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The most common condition directly related to older age is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) which is also known as Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPE). As the prostate gland is connected to the bladder by a tube called the urethra, it plays a pivotal role in a man passing water. An enlarged prostate narrows the urethra, slowing the flow.  Whilst this does not cause any serious health issues, nevertheless, it is a sign of aging.

In addition to BPH, there are a number of other prostate problems that, whilst not limited to men of an older age, have a strong correlation. If you believe you are suffering with this then a visit to your GP or Urologists will be needed so that they can check you for Prostate Cancer, Bladder conditions and Prostatitis.

Acute Prostatitis

Acute Prostatitis is an infection caused by bacteria. It can be very serious in older men and come on very suddenly. It will cause temperature, chills and pain in the legs and lower back and pain when urinating.  It is essential that this is treated early on with antibiotics. Chronic prostatitis is an infection that persists and is very hard to treat. It becomes dangerous in very old men if not continually treated.

For more information contact us to discuss this further or make an appointment t0 visit us.