Europe’s Leading Shockwave Clinic

Tel: 020 7205 2711

Privacy, Discretion & Confidentiality

Privacy, Discretion & Confidentiality

During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak we have continued to provide advice and treatment under strict conditions. Currently both our Richmond and Knightsbridge clinics reside in Tier 4.

We only see a limited number of patients in the clinic and you will be social distanced at all time. All our patients and medical practitioners are required to wear PPE at all times. 

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is an extremely sensitive and personal affliction and we fully understand better your need for total privacy, discretion and confidentiality.

This starts from the moment you contact us through to a successful outcome.

From the beginning we will agree where and when you communicate with us. We can agree to communicate via a preferred medium like email or to agree times when you can talk freely over the phone without the risk of you being overheard. We will never disclose over the phone to anyone else the nature of our business or that you are a patient of our clinic.

Our main clinic is based in Richmond upon Thames, adjacent to Ham common. It has no external signing indicating that it treats patients with erectile dysfunction and no other patient will be aware of the therapy that you undergo with us. It is a medical clinic that treats a number of unrelated conditions and in the waiting room no one except the clinical receptionist will know the nature of your visit.

All consultations will take place in a private consultation room thus maintaining your privacy, discretion and confidentiality. You are welcome to attend the consultations with your partner of whatever gender.

Naturally your treatment from start to finish is totally confidential. We will not disclose any information medical or otherwise without your express prior consent.

To find out more or to book an appointment please complete the form below.