Europe’s Leading Shockwave Clinic

Tel: 020 7205 2711

Focused Shockwave Therapy

Types of Prostatitis.

Focused Shockwave Therapy

MansMatters is the first medical clinic in England to provide a programme of extracorporeal focused shockwave therapy for long term sufferers of Non-Bacterial Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. The treatment can only take place once a patient has been through all standard testing procedures via a doctor or urologist and it is confirmed that they do not have a current bacterial infection, cancer or other aggravating conditions.

Extracorporeal Focused shockwave therapy has been used extensively in the medical field for over 50 years. It was initially used to break up kidney stones without the need for invasive surgery. Today it is the gold standard for men’s health treatments including Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

How Shockwave Works

The focused shockwave therapy is targeted through the Perineum region of the body. Some physiotherapists specialise in treating this region through massage with moderate success, but they are only able to treat the outer regions and the relief is short lived. Focused shockwave therapy is the only known treatment for the whole of this region.

The focused shockwave therapy penetrates different levels of the perineum region and prostate. The shockwaves are generated electromagnetically via a cylindrical coil generating opposing magnetic fields when the current is applied.  The focusing mechanism directs each shockwave to a defined point in the perineum and prostate, enabling a comprehensive treatment. Because the shockwaves can be targeted at set depths into the body, this has minimal impact on other areas.

Shockwave therapy is now being used extensively in other areas like orthopaedics, but Pelvic Pain Syndrome is a highly specialised application. It not only requires highly skilled and experienced practitioners; it is also essential that the correct specialist shockwave equipment is used. Certain types of shockwave, like radial shockwaves which target the external surface will increase pain and have no positive effects.

Your Treatment Using Shockwave

The extracorporeal focused shockwave treatment is not painful, and you will only feel moderate discomfort. Your treatment will last approximately 30-minutes and you will be able to resume life immediately afterwards.  All treatments will be performed by a medically trained shockwave therapist with a speciality in treating urology patients.

Shockwave treatment causes no side-effects, is non-invasive and requires just short visits to our clinic for the period of treatment recommended by the specialist.

For patients who have suffered from Pelvic Pain Syndrome for some time improvements are often noticed within two weeks after the shockwave therapy has started.

To make an appointment or to discuss your problems further please complete the form below.